Haystacks Salad

You’ve probably never heard of such a thing. No worries, neither did I until I met my husband. One Friday night I came home and I told him that I didn’t feel like cooking, yet I also didn’t feel like going out to dinner. He knew this meant that he either had to make something or order in. He looked around the kitchen and said to me, “How about some Haystacks?”

I thought, “A what stack?” Even though he explained the concept to me, I chose to observe and learn instead. You see, the recipe below is an all-out version of what he made that night, because we basically “stacked” whatever relevant ingredients we had on hand. Primarily beans, some sort of shredded cheese, corn chips, then salad fixings.

The combination of warm beans, crispy corn chips, and crunchy salad toppings, finished with a yummy dressing, totally had me at first bite. It has since become a Friday night tradition for us to make Haystacks. We hope you make it yours too!

Now… one last thing. Don’t overthink the measurements. Add as much or as little of each layer as you’d like… have fun with it!


[kindred-recipe id=”1550″ title=”Haystacks Salad”]